Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Smell of Sin and the Fresh Air of Grace by Don Everts

Aaah, a third book of sin for Sarah. Perhaps not a subject I should be dwelling on THIS much. Everts talks about that-- our focus should not be on sin. After all, he says, the gospel is all about saying YES, and we should find our motivation in how to live from dwelling on the goodness of the will of God, not the evil of sin. Still, as Everts points out, Jesus talks about sin, and uses some vivid imagery!! and we should pay attention to that!

Everts opens with a poem about a "bloody sock," describing a man sitting in a church pew sawing his foot off. How gross? How absurd? Mark 9:45 says that having one foot and being free from sin is better than self-inflicted amputation. Hmmm... As Everts says, we often disregard Jesus' images like this saying, "Jesus is just using hyperbole," and merely dismiss it rather than meditation on what the literary device is showing----- sin and its implications are important!!

Everts then unpacks metaphor after metaphor used by Jesus regarding sin. He does this in a simple, yet poetic manner, that is refreshingly difficult to file away as mere knowledge but cuts to the heart.

I am grateful for this book in my life.

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